04/01/2024 - First VA Gig!!!
Hate to brag or anything... but I just landed a recording session last night!
Check out the recording booth!
My brother is working on a really cool radio/podcast project, soon to be on Spotify someday. It's an anthology horror/thriller found audio series about a museum that doesn't exist. Literally "The Museum", a place with no sense of shape or form but holds exhibitions showcasing artists' work, ran by someone known as "The Curator". The recordings are usually done by the artist, or their family members/spouse/close-friends/etc., as they comment about their pieces of work. Most of the time The Curator has her bits too, mostly guiding the listener throughout the exhibition or interviewing the artist themselves.
However, The Museum isn't a normal place, it's more of a hell of... some sorts. The artpieces aren't given too much detail, but from certain hints of tonal voice changes or something that happened related to the work, something happened to the main character of the episode that they cannot express...
This series was inspired by Silent Hill, No Exit and Welcome to Nightvale, but my brother wanted to take a different approach to found audio dramas. He wants to have a down-to-earth nature for the series, even fully fleshing out The Curator with actual personality and emotions as opposed to ooooOOOOooooooo who is this seggsy tumblr maaaAAaaaaannn with a grisled vooooiiIIIIIIIiiceeee???!!?!?!!?
Check out Lost Voices when it comes out!
Also! That's not the only thing. He also asked me to do the logo for him!
Which is going SWIMMINGLY at the moment!